Команда классических игр продолжает работать над Warcraft III. Началось тестирование обновления 1.30.1, в котором разработчики занялись работой над ошибками недавно вышедшей версии 1.30: почти весь список изменений состоит из исправлений.
Ниже представлен список изменений версии 1.30.1 на английском языке.
Официальная цитата Blizzard (Источник)
Greetings Raiders, Tinkerers, Harbingers, and Wardens,
We are continuing to address crashes with melee and custom games as they come up. Please reach out if you have specific issues.
Specific Changes & Improvements
- Updated observer API to export more game information
- Large address aware has been enabled allowing the client to use up to 3GB of memory on some machines
- When playing using -nativefullscr mouse sensitivity is on point
Bug Fixes
- [Mac][10.14 Beta] Cursor responds in game
- Corrected a number of crashes related to sound files
- Silent map crashes resolved on popular custom maps
- Maps calling preload() with a file string shorter than 4 characters no longer crash
- Certain TFT campaign missions no longer crash on load
- Casting two spells with the same BuffID no longer causes a crash
- Setting Clan MOTD no longer causes a disconnect
- Imported files in custom campaigns no longer silently corrupt on save
- SharedModels/TeamGlow00.tga no longer fails to load
- Only one instance of the Game Client can be open at a time
- Muting sound using Ctrl+S or Ctrl+M while a unit is selected no longer triggers the hotkeys for Stop and Move
- Sound is no longer enabled when the client is minimized in -nativefullscr
- All ambient sounds return after re-enabling sounds during gameplay
- Map veto preferences are saved between sessions
- Resolved sound volume issues for certain spells and ambient footsteps
- Meat Wagon’s Disease Cloud now deals 2 damage per second
- Bash tooltip updated from “opponent” to “target”
- RoC campaign data no longer includes TFT balance changes
- Defend correctly allows 60% of piercing damage through when not reflected
- Improved Masonry cost correctly calculated
- Human fast building speed no longer transfers between structures
- Abilities with no buff ID no longer stack indefinitely
- Dirt and grass cliff tiles are no longer replacing other tiles
- Allied heroes with shared control appear in the UI again
- Empty strings in the Italian local no longer display <sp/>
Map Updates
- Drop rate for Lightning Shield reduced to 50%
- Creep camps no longer agro other creep camps
- Kobold Taskmaster now drops Level 2 permanent instead of Level 2 charged
(2)Swamped Temple
- Removed hidden unbuildable terrain
- Removed locations where towers could be built on cliffs
- Corrected map description
(2)Road to Stratholme LV
- Removed a location where units could be dropped and not attacked
(4)Twisted Meadows
- Tree locations reverted to 1.29