Blizzard раскрыли предназначение зоны Horadric Retreat на BlizzCon 2018

27.10.2018 3:32 8

Blizzard раскрыли предназначение зоны Horadric Retreat на BlizzCon 2018

На официальном сайте Diablo III появилась статья-путеводитель для посетителей BlizzCon 2018. Blizzard в очередной раз напомнили о запланированных мероприятиях, рассказали, что можно будет купить, и раскрыли предназначение загадочный зоны Horadric Retreat.

Несмотря на все возложенные ожидания, реальность оказалась очередным ударом по уже сошедшему с рельсов хайптрейну. Horadric Retreat — это специальная зона, в которой игроки смогут поиграть в Diablo III для Nintendo Switch с разработчиками и другими посетителями, если они принесут свой Switch с уже купленной игрой.

Последняя оставшаяся надежда — пустое место сбоку от стенда, где все еще чисто гипотетически может появиться стенд неанонсированного проекта, например — Diablo II Remastered.

Статья-путеводитель пока доступна только на английском языке. Если появится официальный перевод, мы добавим его в новость позже.

Официальная цитата Blizzard (Источник)

The steady clamor of convention prep is ringing through the halls at the Anaheim Convention Center, adventurers, as we prepare our home away from home for your arrival! Whether you’re attending in person or observing all the activities from the comfort of your own home, here’s a handy guide to all things Diablo happening at BlizzCon this year.

For Attendees

Looking to meet us on the convention show floor? Here’s where you’ll be able to find various members of the Diablo development teams, try out demos, and learn more live at our panel stages.


  • Diablo: What’s Next (12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. PDT – Hall D)
    • Join the Diablo team as they discuss what’s in store for the heroes of Sanctuary.
  • Diablo: World and Q&A (5:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. PDT – Hall D)
    • Join Diablo developers as they explore the world of Sanctuary, then stay awhile and listen as the team answers questions from the community.

Blizzard раскрыли предназначение зоны Horadric Retreat на BlizzCon 2018


  • Diablo III Demo (Hall D)
    • Don’t have a Nintendo Switch™? Try out the magic of Diablo III on Switch live from the show floor!
  • Horadric Retreat (Hall D – Diablo III Demo Area)
    • Drop by our open play area with your own Nintendo Switch to meet new friends, play with our developers, and be a part of the great Diablo community!
      • Note: If you plan on bringing your Nintendo Switch to the show floor, please be prepared to present it powered on to our security staff at the door. Also note that patrons bearing any consoles that have been non-cosmetically modified may be denied access to the show floor.

Exclusive Swag

BlizzCon attendees will be able to get their gauntlets on some exclusive loot, and will also be able to purchase some products early at the show! Don’t miss out on these hot items (available in limited supply), and keep an eye on the Gear Store for more swag.

  • Diablo III Eternal Collection Switch Bundle
    • The devil in this detailed custom Nintendo Switch bundle is to die for—we’ll have a handful available on site; snatch one before they disappear!
  • Diablo III: Eternal Collection
    • Already got your Switch but want to join us on the floor for some Rifts? Physical copies of Diablo III: Eternal Collection will be available from the Gear Store and direct download on the Nintendo eShop.
      • Note: Due to high amounts of traffic, we recommend downloading the game outside of the show floor.
  • The Book of Adria
    • Sanctuary is home to the most dangerous of beasts, many birthed from the depths of the Burning Hells. Learn all about the foes you’ll face in the world of Diablo as penned by the devious witch, Adria.

For Virtual Ticket Holders

Not traveling to Anaheim? Don’t worry, there’s plenty of fun to be had via the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket! Whether you’re an attendee wanting to catch up on a panel you missed, or you’re watching from a cozy front row couch seat, you’ll have an all-access pass to original BlizzCon video content, digital goodies, and convention-exclusive loot!

Blizzard раскрыли предназначение зоны Horadric Retreat на BlizzCon 2018

Exclusive Diablo Pet – Az-lo

Blizzard раскрыли предназначение зоны Horadric Retreat на BlizzCon 2018

Who needs a shoulder angel when you can have a pint-sized demonic general instead? Az-lo will gladly scurry along your side, strategically collecting your loot as you adventure. Just don’t ask him to dunk; he’s a bit sensitive about his height.

Full Panel and Original Video Access

Virtual Ticket holders will have full live and on-demand video access to all BlizzCon content, including panels, exclusive behind-the-scenes video content, and the entire 2017 BlizzCon archive!

Attending the convention in person? All BlizzCon badge holders will have their own BlizzCon All-Access pass, so you won’t have to make that tough choice between two panels or your favorite eSports event.

One Week and Counting . . .

With each passing day, we grow closer to the biggest Blizzard bash of the year. We’re excited to see you, whether it’s live in Anaheim or through the camera via Virtual Ticket. Get ready for BlizzCon!


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